Hi My Friends-
Here I am. It has been almost two years since I have blogged on this particular blog. God seems to be moving me in directions that I never would have imagined. I have left the blogging world- but I have not left my Jesus' side. I am still very much saved, sanctified and filled with his precious Holy Spirit. I came to blog on this particular blog today because it seems as though I blog in "seasons." It is usually fall or winter when I blog. Also- my other blog is a marriage/daily life blog. This one is a devotional blog, dedicated completely, wholeheartedly and 100% to my Lord. There are no fillers here.
God is still very much real in my life. It seems like He comes down from Heaven just for me. Just for me. This past week I was in the grocery store and I had a strong urge (unction) to offer to help pay for a customer's groceries in front of me in line at Wal-Mart. It appeared as though they were EBT cardholders. Their card had just been declined and I saw them fumbling with their wallets to find another payment to use. I glanced over at the wall and saw the words "every second counts." I knew this was the Lord speaking to me and letting me know that every moment that I have is precious and matters--it counts toward heaven. Amen. I did not offer to pay for that couples' groceries, admittedly (LORD have mercy on me).
A few days later- I received an unexpected check in the mail and I praised the Lord for it because it was a blessing that I had no knowledge of. After getting this check, I still had a very strong urge to "GIVE." The next day I told family and friends (on Facebook) of God's blessing toward me and praised His holy name. I said that I felt like BLESSING somebody, and the first person to send me their mailing address would get a twenty dollar check from me. God showed up once again and a few hours later, someone wrote on my status:
"Thank you for that unexpected check anointing Whitney. Lol I read your status and said I need one of those. An hour later my neighbor calls me and tells me to check my mail. And there was my unexpected check! Thank you Jesus!"
This testimony was not only for the woman who wrote me to tell of it- but for OTHERS to see the faithfulness, fullness and richness of the Lord. Somebody saw her testimony and was BLESSED. Blessed in their spirit and blessed in their soul- and two were blessed in their natural life, receiving checks of their own (the one I presented and the one I received a testimony concerning). I thank God because someone's faith has been increased, somebody's praise has been made just a bit greater, somebody saw the goodness of the Lord. Hallelujah!!
I love you, brothers and sisters. Stay faithful, always abounding in the work of our Lord (I Corinthians 15:58). Never forget that still, small voice- the Holy Spirit who still wants to work in you and through you.
(Blessed to be a Blessing),
You can find me on:
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Website
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Thursday, December 27, 2012
The Birth of my Son
Hi guys!,
I hope that everyone has gotten the memo: I have moved to Wordpress at http://danielandwhitney.wordpress.com. I love this blog so much, that I do not want to leave it. The Lord has allowed me to inspire and encourage so many people on here, that it is amazing. I am so glad to know all of you. I cannot commit to blogging on here as much, as this was for the LORD. I do not want to include too many personal posts on here. I will come back every now and then, Lord willing to update you on my family and family-life. The Lord has been so good to us.
My son was born on Friday, December 7, 2012 at 5:43 am at 8lbs 1oz and 20 inches long. I am so amazed that I have a son now. It's our first child and we are so in love. He is a joy to watch, the way his eyes move around the room and how he smiles in his sleep. The Lord is good, he is almost 3 weeks old today. Be blessed, family.
I hope that everyone has gotten the memo: I have moved to Wordpress at http://danielandwhitney.wordpress.com. I love this blog so much, that I do not want to leave it. The Lord has allowed me to inspire and encourage so many people on here, that it is amazing. I am so glad to know all of you. I cannot commit to blogging on here as much, as this was for the LORD. I do not want to include too many personal posts on here. I will come back every now and then, Lord willing to update you on my family and family-life. The Lord has been so good to us.
My son was born on Friday, December 7, 2012 at 5:43 am at 8lbs 1oz and 20 inches long. I am so amazed that I have a son now. It's our first child and we are so in love. He is a joy to watch, the way his eyes move around the room and how he smiles in his sleep. The Lord is good, he is almost 3 weeks old today. Be blessed, family.
A Thousand Words Thursday,
new beginnings,
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Church at Work!
Praise the Lord!
Today was a lovely day. The Lord allowed me to lead the youth church group at our workplace today (there is a Church on campus). I ended up landing a position at a local Christian non-profit, with the help of the Lord. I am smiling, I was glad that my supervisor, my co-workers, and the kids enjoyed my teaching lesson. I told my husband yesterday how amazing it was that I "used to" blog devotionals for my blog followers, and now I am leading church sessions. What a marvelous God we serve. He is using me in any way that He can, and I just want to be available.
A testimony that Ms. Sandy (my supervisor) said when she introduced me, was, "This is Whitney's fourth day on the job and she has volunteered to lead our church group sessions. It's amazing how you can be new at a job, but feel so comfortable in the house of the Lord, to lead a devotional." Praise the Lord! It was interactive and I had the kids talking and sharing. They range from ages 8 to 18. On the way out, my co-workers were blessing the Lord and telling me how good I did. Only God! Hallelujah. They said "We have never had an activity like that where the kids were so involved." They said that the spirits of the children seemed different that day, more uplifting and hopeful. They had discontinued the Church sessions, because they had no one to lead them. I thank God.
So, on this day, this week, and throughout your Christian walk-- say Yes to God. Let Him use you in a ministry where your gifts lie. If you work for God, HE will Work for you. And, that is the word for today. Be blessed in Jesus!
Today was a lovely day. The Lord allowed me to lead the youth church group at our workplace today (there is a Church on campus). I ended up landing a position at a local Christian non-profit, with the help of the Lord. I am smiling, I was glad that my supervisor, my co-workers, and the kids enjoyed my teaching lesson. I told my husband yesterday how amazing it was that I "used to" blog devotionals for my blog followers, and now I am leading church sessions. What a marvelous God we serve. He is using me in any way that He can, and I just want to be available.
A testimony that Ms. Sandy (my supervisor) said when she introduced me, was, "This is Whitney's fourth day on the job and she has volunteered to lead our church group sessions. It's amazing how you can be new at a job, but feel so comfortable in the house of the Lord, to lead a devotional." Praise the Lord! It was interactive and I had the kids talking and sharing. They range from ages 8 to 18. On the way out, my co-workers were blessing the Lord and telling me how good I did. Only God! Hallelujah. They said "We have never had an activity like that where the kids were so involved." They said that the spirits of the children seemed different that day, more uplifting and hopeful. They had discontinued the Church sessions, because they had no one to lead them. I thank God.
So, on this day, this week, and throughout your Christian walk-- say Yes to God. Let Him use you in a ministry where your gifts lie. If you work for God, HE will Work for you. And, that is the word for today. Be blessed in Jesus!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Life Principles of a Godly Woman
via Joslyn Johnson

PRINCIPLES Pulled From Proverbs 31:

PRINCIPLES Pulled From Proverbs 31:
- Trustworthy
- Operates out of faithfulness
- Comforts
- Encourages
- Does her husband good all the days of her life
- Seeks out “seeds” that she can bring into development
- Is a storehouse (Life well)
- Uses wisdom before delving into new things
- Willing to wake up before the sun rises to take care of necessary task
- Provides and assigns necessary tasks
- Plants when necessary
- Equips self with strength (mental and physical for God given task)
- Constantly focused, DESPITE circumstances
- Develops gifts
- Uses hands to serve
- Doesn’t fear, understands needs are met by God
- Trademarks of beauty can be found in every aspect of her life
- Places high esteem on covering (always representing well)
- Wears strength and dignity like clothing (strong, secure position)
- Mouth skilled in godly wisdom
- Tongue ruled by the law of kindness
- Gives counsel and instruction
- Pays attention to detail, making sure things are ran properly in household
- Idleness IS NOT named among her
- She does not lend any of her members to gossip, discontent or self pity
- Blessed by offspring
- Outer elegance and beauty doesn’t define her, but rather her reverent attitude towards God causes commending
- Her works are proof of faithfulness
bible scripture,
for ladies,
Life 101,
this is my prayer,
Who am I?
Thursday, February 16, 2012
New Family & Faith Blog
Hello dear friends and lovers of God!,
Bless God for today and bless God for all of you!! As you all know, Lord willing, I am set to be wed on March 10, 2012! Continue to pray for me, and ask the Lord to make everything beautiful and all right! I did want to share my new family-and-faith themed blog that I have began on the Wordpress platform.
I will not be getting rid of this blog, as this is my 100% Jesus-centered blog that I will not be adding to or taking away from, amen! Our new family-and-faith blog is found at: http://danielandwhitney.wordpress.com/ Here I'm blogging about my beloved and I, and our life as newlyweds (home, family, faith, & more). We're blessed!! Join us over there and continue to pray our strength, we love you!!
God's Best
Bless God for today and bless God for all of you!! As you all know, Lord willing, I am set to be wed on March 10, 2012! Continue to pray for me, and ask the Lord to make everything beautiful and all right! I did want to share my new family-and-faith themed blog that I have began on the Wordpress platform.
I will not be getting rid of this blog, as this is my 100% Jesus-centered blog that I will not be adding to or taking away from, amen! Our new family-and-faith blog is found at: http://danielandwhitney.wordpress.com/ Here I'm blogging about my beloved and I, and our life as newlyweds (home, family, faith, & more). We're blessed!! Join us over there and continue to pray our strength, we love you!!
God's Best
Monday, January 23, 2012
Overflow, Gentle River Wash me Now
Christ Tomlin's "Overflow"
Here I bring my stains and crowns
Gentle river wash me now
Your love is deeper than I know
Your ways higher than I can go
Lead me in Your holiness
I will follow, I confess
Glory is the song I sing
Your life is living me
And where would I be
Without You, without You?
Where would I be
Without You?
I will bow before the cross
Cherish my Redeemer's cost
There is nothing I can do
But only stand amazed by You
Your mercy new with every day
Wrapped up in Your arms of grace
Nothing more, You're all I need
Your life is living me
And where would I be
Without You, without You?
Where would I be
Without You?
Like a waterfall
You fill my heart and overflow
Like a candle flame
You light my way
And lead me as I go
Like a waterfall
You fill my heart and overflow
Like a candle flame
You light my way
And lead me as I go
Lead me as I go
(And where would I be)
(Without You, without You?)
(Where would I be)
(Without You?)
Spirit overflow
Let me overflow
Spirit overflow
Let me overflow
Spirit overflow
Let me overflow
Spirit overflow
Let me overflow
Let me overflow
Friday, December 9, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
"Anything can come along and make you feel good... tickle your fancy.... make you feel a "high", if you will. But if you're not careful, you can get so caught up in emotionalism (loose godly faith and trust), until any power/influence can fool you into thinking that the root of your feeling is of God.. or its "OK"... but the question is..what/who do you KNOW? because when the emotions fade/change,its what you KNOW that keeps your mind sane... its what you know that keeps u balanced.. its what you know that keeps you strong when the enemy tempts.. when pain and pressure come to "try" you,what is it that you KNOW.. do you KNOW who God is..do u know the "word"? what influence r u under.. emotion.. or Gods word??" ~Bro. Laron, Spirit of God
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Happy December 1, Saints!
It's December 1!! Happy Great last month of the year to you all! I've missed you all so much! I'm so glad to be here blogging, we've had such a perfect, blessed, indescribable year you wouldn't believe the joy I've experienced. What a mighty God we serve!
This evening my fiance and I are going to splurge on a wreath for his door! This is our first Christmas and we're going to make it memorable! He said he really wants one and I'm just so excited that he's as excited about holiday decorating as I am! We're also going to put up his Christmas tree!! I say "his" everything because we're not living together yet (that'll be when we get married in 3 months). So, until then we're decorating his home together.
I hope all of you had a blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving. Daniel and I went to Baltimore, Maryland for the 63rd Annual Holy Convocation at their presiding Church. Oh what a prosperous time we had! There were bible forums and services all week long. The theme for the convocation was "Moving to the Next Realm." Each day was filled with two services (day & night), and bible forums. My sweetheart was even able to present at one of the forums on that Saturday. It was a blessing to see him speak to the congregation and their children. They prayed over us an engaged couple that the Lord would bless all that we put our hands to. So grateful for the people of God, bless Jesus.
Other topics included "Is It Worth the Rapture?" and how we must be subject to change. God, I am glorified in You. I am grateful to stand in Your presence and experience Your blessings. You are all that I ever dreamt of, and You've given me all that I could have ever imagined. My Lord I am blessed. I cannot glorify You enough. You've given me my dream-guy, and he even fits in with the vision You showed me on true holiness and being a help to God's people. Hummm, My God I love Jesus!! Not only because of the things He has done, but for Who He is!
Be blessed in Jesus' Name,
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sunday Blessings: Getting a prayer through
The Lord has been doing some great teaching today. A few days ago, the Lord had been teaching me about prayer and how to really seek the LORD. If I haven't informed you all, which I'm sure I have not since I've not been blogging lately-- I am enrolled into Pastor Benny Hinn's School of Ministry and we're studying the ministry of intercession and intimacy with God.
God has chosen me to be a set apart lady, purposely planned for His ministry. In my lesson we're learning the Three Realms of Prayer and they are: Asking (is the outer court), Seeking (is the holy place) and Knocking (is the inner court, Holy of Holies). What's wonderful is that the Lord had Pastor Wil (my local pastor/teacher) to preach on it today at service.
He was saying the very things Benny Hinn was saying this past week in terms of Luke 11:9, "And I say unto you, Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you." It wasn't until this verse did I see the words "Ask, Seek, Knock" in one complete scripture.
The people of GOD are not getting prayers through because "Asking" is the realm of prayer in which we are in the flesh (outside-- outer court), we cannot touch God in this realm because you have yet to enter In. The outer court is always going to be: "God give me, Lord give me, Lord forgive me." It's our flesh; in the first realm we ask as our flesh does.
It's not until we get to the Holy of Holies do we really touch God. AND even then, it's not about us. Before touching the holiest place of Jesus here on earth, we must move then to the second realm of prayer, the holy place-- or, "seeking" realm. Seeking realm is not seeking God for what He can do for you (that is the outer court, where no outside man can expect to receive anything of God)-- it is more of a seeking His Fellowship. Seeking Him to come abide with you, commune with you, to dwell with you.
This is setting the stage for the Holy Spirit to come down.
For example;
- You begin by repenting (outer court),
- Then you move to seeking God's Holy Spirit to come down (holy place),
- And thereafter God's Spirit has began to visit you, you really begin melting in His presence and abiding with Him (inner court, Holy of Holies)
It's like you have to allow the LORD to cleanse you before you can even touch His robe. It's as if you must WASH YOUR HANDS and purify your hearts before entering in. And as Pastor Wil was ministering, prayers go unanswered because people are not bringing their sin before the throne of God. The people are not repenting of their wrongdoing before God's altar, amen.
Not repenting of wrong is only one of many reasons why people are not seeing God move. The other two were, asking with wrong motives (not a pure heart-- ie; "asking amidst that they may consume it upon their own lusts"), and lastly, asking outside the will of God. To know God's will, you must stay where He is at all times, to know where He is at all times, you must commune with Him to really know his Spirit. After a while, your will begins to become GOD's will in a sense that you begin to desire the things He desires. And if you desire the things God desires and what God desires for you, there's nothing that He won't do.
Bless you,
bible scripture,
for gentlemen,
for ladies,
Holy Spirit,
Thursday, August 11, 2011
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