Thursday, May 17, 2012

Church at Work!

Praise the Lord!

Today was a lovely day. The Lord allowed me to lead the youth church group at our workplace today (there is a Church on campus). I ended up landing a position at a local Christian non-profit, with the help of the Lord. I am smiling, I was glad that my supervisor, my co-workers, and the kids enjoyed my teaching lesson. I told my husband yesterday how amazing it was that I "used to" blog devotionals for my blog followers, and now I am leading church sessions. What a marvelous God we serve. He is using me in any way that He can, and I just want to be available.

A testimony that Ms. Sandy (my supervisor) said when she introduced me, was, "This is Whitney's fourth day on the job and she has volunteered to lead our church group sessions. It's amazing how you can be new at a job, but feel so comfortable in the house of the Lord, to lead a devotional." Praise the Lord! It was interactive and I had the kids talking and sharing. They range from ages 8 to 18. On the way out, my co-workers were blessing the Lord and telling me how good I did. Only God! Hallelujah. They said "We have never had an activity like that where the kids were so involved." They said that the spirits of the children seemed different that day, more uplifting and hopeful. They had discontinued the Church sessions, because they had no one to lead them. I thank God.

So, on this day, this week, and throughout your Christian walk-- say Yes to God. Let Him use you in a ministry where your gifts lie. If you work for God, HE will Work for you. And, that is the word for today. Be blessed in Jesus!


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