My heart is inditing [overflowing with] a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: [my works to the king]: my tongue is the pen of a ready [skilful] writer." -Psalm 45:1 KJV
- Yes, amen!!! Was at @lifechurchtv tonight and this was a scripture that the guest speaker Brian Houston shared.
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@Child0fGod THANK YOU Jesus, for changing me within!! My heart overflows with JOY because of YOU!!!
Oh wow now I really wished I stayed up!!!! It reminds me of the last sermon I did called close the book. In the sermon I was talking about how we try to write our own story instead of letting God write it. Writing the vision... yes that does sound sooo good!!! I am learning that day by day that it is not about us.... it was never about us but about God!!! That is why I pray every morning for God to help me love the things he loves and hate the things he hate and make my desires his desires. God has a plan for all of us. And the vision we have is actually Gods vision so he cares more about it then us. Good post Whit