Bible Study with God:
A Word the Lord gave me on 3/13/09 that I did not blog about. I'm getting better about doing as the Lord says,
as He says it, so have mercy:
"Discipline, Self Control & Obedience"
Acts 5:42 says "And daily in the temple, and in every house,
they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ."
Acts 6:4 says "But we will give ourselves continually to prayer,
and to the ministry of the word."
God says in
Acts 6:4 that we must give ourselves over to
continual prayer
and the administering, supplying, speaking and teaching the Word of God (see
Acts 5:42). When we do this, we are girded about (see
Ephesians 6:11), we are prepared with the Word of God for
anything that may come up against us (see
Ephesians 6:13). God prepares us ahead of time so that when trials and the adversary comes to destroy, kill and devour (see
John 10:10) that we will be armed with the Word of the Lord (See
Ephesians 6:17).
Acts 5:42 says that the disciples of Christ
did not stop teaching and preaching Jesus as The Christ; Jesus Christ crucified. No matter the situation, don't deny your faith. Don't deny your God. Lord, have mercy. Testify of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. Be not intimidated. The devil is a liar. God is searching for soldiers on the battlefield for Him. He needs (the body of Christ) those that will worship Him in spirit and truth.
John 4:24 says "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." So, be encouraged and don't be afraid to speak of the goodness and glory of our Lord and Saviour. The devil is a LIAR and YOU beloved child of God have power, power in the name of Jesus.
Luke 10:19 says "
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."Self Control
Your words are life (see
Proverbs 18:21), they live. They dwell. The Word of GOD is life, it lives, it's alive, it's living, it dwells. So, when you SPEAK the Word, you are speaking LIFE. Speak Life. Glory to God. Rebuke the devil, rebuke the adversary. Be not tempted of his lies. Call him out. Call him out. At the name of Jesus, demons have GOT to tremble. Devil, you are a liar. Thank you, Jesus. But when you speak evil, wrongdoing, mischief, strife, hatings, backbitings, gossip and maliciousness you are also speaking THAT to life (see
James 3:6). Words are powerful and that is a reason why God tells us to keep all of our members [of our bodies] holy (see
Romans 6:13, 19). Whether that be your tongue, lips or feet. Keep it holy before the Lord. Don't bless and curse with your mouth; this is an abomination unto the Lord (see
Psalm 109:28, Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:28, Romans 12:14).
Lord Jesus, grant us self control/temperance (see
2 Peter 1:6) in the name of Jesus; control over our own members. Thank You, God.
Continual prayer and personal Bible study is
essential to the growing Christian (see
Acts 6:4) (we are all growing according to the Lord's will), it is essential to the Christian walk. It's from God whom all blessings come. If we are not prayed up in our Word, then we are easy targets for the devil. Don't be a target and don't be fooled. The enemy comes to kill. Jesus says in
John 10:10 that he [the enemy] comes to KILL. He wants you dead. Don't die, beloved. Ask the Lord of strength in Jesus' name, strength to withstand and endure. The remainder of that verse (
John 10:10), Jesus Christ says
"... I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Life comes through Jesus Christ. For HE is The Way, the Truth
and The Life (see
John 14:6). So, let's be good stewards and harken unto the voice of the Lord. Let's obey our God. Let's offer our lives up for him through sacrifice of ourselves. Sacrifice takes obedience, discipline and self control. We have to want to do it. Someone can preach, teach and talk all day to you about these three things, but it's not until YOU want to make the change that you will
be changed and see a change. Glory.
Bless others. Bless and curse not (see
Psalm 109:28, Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:28, Romans 12:14). Bless your brothers and sisters in Christ. If the Lord is leading you to speak LIFE into the life of someone else, seize the opportunity. Don't leave them hanging. Minister the Word of our precious Saviour (
Acts 6:4). Lord, help us.
Glory to God,
Listening to iTunes:"Last Time" by Men of Standard
"Superman" by Stephen Hurd
"Thank you" by Smokie Norful
"He is Exalted" by Youthful Praise
"Glory, Glory" by Jeff Majors