10:45 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Never in my life have I spent 12 hours at church! Never would I have imagined! It was crazy-fun. I did say a few days ago that if I could spend all day at church, I would. Today I got a glimpse of what that'd be like and the power of speaking things into existence.
I love the church people. Shared interest, special moments and joyful times. First time in my life where I'm actually attending church regularly AND going to Bible Study regularly, and about to get involved in ministry. It's great. Our God is Great.
I went to the 10:45 a.m. service for the first time at my new church home. Admittedly, I prefer the 8 a.m. service. But, because my last session of the New Members class was directly after the 10:45 service, I went to that one. Service was great as always. Pastor Nichols was preaching about man's promises vs. God's purpose; contractional relationships vs. covenant. He was saying how we must disconnect ourselves from man's promises in order to get to God's purpose. We cannot get to purpose unless we let broken promises go. Broken promises cause a broken heart and a broken spirit. The promises of God are designed to fulfill purpose.
After church was my last session of the New Members class. The teaching was on Servitude 200. I'm really interested in getting involved in ministry immediately. I just want to be assured that I am in the right place. Right now I'm considering the Women's Fellowship Group and Evangelism. Also the Prayer Warrior's who meet at 6 a.m. every morning.
@The Bus Ride to Winston-Salem, NC
3 p.m. - 5 p.m., 8 p.m. - 10 p.m.
The bus ride was fun. I got to meet some new faces and spend casual time with my new church family. I plan on going everywhere with the church, lol :) Lord willing.
@Sweet Holy Spirit Church in Winston-Salem, NC
5 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
The Holy Spirit truly was upon this church during the praise break. It was great, it was beautiful. Pastor Nichols was the guest speaker here and that's why we (members of the church) traveled to Winston Salem to support him. The message was "If God doesn't do it, it won't be done." He was telling us to stop being victims of everyone else's failures and just realize that they are incapable of meeting our needs. It's not our fault, it's their failure. We must realize that the reason they are attacking us (hating on, etc) is because they want what we have. We have the spirit of God and they see that in you and that's why they do not approve of you. When people are controlled by wicked spirits, they hate you without a cause... it's the anointing and the favor of God that they hate. Jesus.
After church we stopped at Popeye's for dinner, so that added a little extra time on our ride back. I had a great time and hope to spend more time with the church.
This Sunday is Dress-Down Sunday. I love the concept.
I've never been to an official Dress-Down day. It'll be great.
Look at my new church leaders. I love 'em.
Love you with the love of Christ.
God bless you,
Listening to iTunes:
"Reign in Me" by Brenton Brown
"I Understand" by Smokie Norful
"Breathe Into Me" by Fred Hammond
"Let Go, let God" by DeWayne Woods
"G.A. Hymn (Who Else But God) by Tye Tribbet & G.A.
"Speak Lord" - Stephen Hurd
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