Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sad World.

[Hardly any formatting tonight, and little editing. I need a nap. Lord willing, I will add the scriptures when I return].

Racism and racial profiling are still prevalent.
I didn't think it was so bad, until

I experienced it today--not for the first time, but for the worst-time. No, really. Full-force racial profiling/stereotyping tonight at Harris Teeter in Morrisville, NC. McCrimmon Corners to be precise. Steer clear. Run, far...

Hurt my heart... I bawled the entire ride home; hyperventilated for the first time and even developed a slight stutter while trying to tell my parents about it. They half-way cared... Jesus, Jesus I need You. Only God.

I prefer not to blog about sad stuff like this, you know "real-life" issues or get into too many details because it's soooo saddening... like deeply saddening to me. You'll know what I mean by this when you read the post called "He That Overcometh" and by reading the Bible scripture that mentions to guard your heart with all deligence because out of it flows the issues of life. So, I'm gonna stick to God's Word on that.

Ya know, I was a ball of tears in that "He That Overcometh" post as well--just to think on these things makes you mournfully-sad, as if someone just died. It's that serious. [God forbid that anyone dies]. But, it makes you angry all at once too, not just sad. On the other hand, I can definitely see today's happenings at Harris Teeter as my feelings of compassion toward others being developed more. So, for that I am grateful.

Thank God if you've never been treated like the scum of the earth. Thank Him now and strive to treat others the way you would want them to treat your mother or someone you deeply care for. ...God tells us/teaches us in His Word that that is what we're supposed to do anyway. Afterall, "What Would Jesus Do?" Exactly.

And with that, I'm closing.
Taking a break.
Need to spend time with God.
Organize my priorities.
Sit back and reflect.

I'm longing for the return of Jesus, when He will judge this corrupt nation with sound doctrine... I asked the Lord to forgive her... the customer service lady; and I truly meant it. That's all I can do now--can't turn back time, can't re-do it. Can't ask for it to be erased... it's already been done. But, I will choose not to remember it. YUP. Ask me about it sometime (please don't) down the line--and I won't be able to tell you anything.

Do you know that we have the power to do that? We have the power to meditate on peaceful thoughts and not to meditate on corrupt thoughts; and vise versa. The difference is that God wants us to meditate on the GOOD things. Now, don't mis-quote what I'm saying. I'm saying that we are to reflect on "the good," yet acknowledge the bad. Does that make sense? Meaning, don't ignore it. BUT DON'T dwell on it either!, that's the key. Ask God to help you with this if this is your prayer.

You can acknowledge it by telling somebody so that others can grow and learn from it. Don't harbor testimonies and keep others from learning of God. Lord Jesus forgive me too if I am guilty of this. Even now as I'm writing this, I feel like I've already forgiven her... [Makes me think of that scripture/song "The peace that passes all, all your understanding]." Thank You Jesus for the peace of mind.

Interestingly enough, I had an unction in my spirit a few days ago to post a scripture that I wrote about in my offline journal previously, but I didn't. God's working on me with that. He is.

Here it is:

I John 2:28 says "And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming."

Very comforting.

I need a nap.
A long one.
A two-day one or longer.

So, goodnight everyone.

God bless & the devil is a Liar,

I strongly encourage you to read the post "He That Overcometh" and following that one,
"The End of the World, What Does the Bible Say?" And after that post, see what else God has for you: Romans 10.

Glory to God.

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